Planes1.txt ******************************************************************** * This aircraft requires FS5 and Flight Simulator Flight Shop. * ******************************************************************** Files Include: *.AIR - copy this into your FS5\PILOTS directory *.?AF - copy these into your FS5\TEXTURE directory Planes1.TXT - you're reading it First some acknowledgements: The DC-9-30 was designed by B.M. Quayle, CIS ID 74160,3400. He has done an impeccable job in rendering this aircraft. John Keane for his encouragement and restoring my faith in the old spirit that some of us construct planes just because we like the challenge and know others enjoy what we do. Please enjoy this aircraft, share it with others.. Have Fun With It! Frank Cunningham CIS ID 75020,57 ******************************WARNING************************************ UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS SOFTWARE TO BE SOLD IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM, UPLOADED TO ANY BBS THAT CHARGES A PAID PER FILE FORMAT, INCLUDED ON ANY MEDIA FORMAT (I.E. CD-ROM, FLOPPY DISKETTE, BUNDLE-PACK,) FOR THE EX- PRESSED PURPOSES OF PROFIT. **************************************************************************